Chords can be played using groups of numbers "024 357"
or using roman numerals: i ii iii iv v vi vii
"[: i vi v :]" # Play chords as a sequence using default chord length of 1
"q [: iv 1 2 3 iii 2 3 4 ii 4 3 2 i 1 2 3 :]"
In major scale (or any other diatonic) roman numerals would correspond to these pitch classes:
i = 024
ii = 135
iii = 246
iv = 357 or 35^0
v = 468 or 46^1
vi = 579 or 5^0^2
vii = 68{10} or 6^1^3
Chord key is assigned with the key keyword argument (defaults to major).
Chord names
Chord names are nice shorthands for similar group of notes. Define chord name using using ^ with the name or by using chord_name parameter. Chord names work for minor, major and chromatic scales. Other than that who knows? Not me. Some might work and others might sound a bit funny.
Examples using the chord names:
"i vi^dim"
"i vi"
"i vi^m11+"
Chords can also be inverted using % char, for example %1 to invert all following chords up by one:
D('superpiano', 'vii%-2 iii%-1 vi%-1 ii v i%1 iv%2', key='D', scale='minor')
List of all chord names (Pitch classes in chromatic scale):
^major = 047 # ^M
^min = 037 # ^minor or ^m
^major7 = 04711 # ^maj7 or ^M7
^7 = 047T # ^dom7
^m7 = 037{10} # ^minor7
^aug = 048 # ^augmented or ^a
^dim = 036 # ^diminished or ^i
^dim7 = 0369 # ^diminished7 or ^i7
^m7-5 = 036{10} # ^m7b5 or ^halfdim or ^halfdiminished
^1 = 0
^5 = 07
^+5 = 048
^m+5 = 038
^sus2 = 027
^sus4 = 057
^6 = 0479
^m6 = 0379
^7sus2 = 027{10}
^7sus4 = 057{10}
^7-5 = 046{10}
^7+5 = 048{10}
^m7+5 = 038{10}
^9 = 047{10}{14}
^m9 = 037{10}{14}
^m7+9 = 037{10}{14}
^maj9 = 04711{14}
^9sus4 = 057{10}{14}
^6*9 = 0479{14}
^m6*9 = 0379{14}
^7-9 = 047{10}{13}
^m7-9 = 037{10}{13}
^7-10 = 047{10}{15}
^7-11 = 047{10}{16}
^7-13 = 047{10}{20}
^9+5 = 0{10}{13}
^m9+5 = 0{10}{14}
^7+5-9 = 048{10}{13}
^m7+5-9 = 038{10}{13}
^11 = 047{10}{14}{17}
^m11 = 037{10}{14}{17}
^maj11 = 04711{14}{17}
^11+ = 047{10}{14}{18}
^m11+ = 037{10}{14}{18}
^13 = 047{10}{14}{17}{21}
^m13 = 037{10}{14}{17}{21}
^add2 = 0247
^add4 = 0457
^add9 = 047{14}
^add11 = 047{17}
^add13 = 047{21}
^madd2 = 0237
^madd4 = 0357
^madd9 = 037{14}
^madd11 = 037{17}
^madd13 = 037{21}