
The Sardine Pattern Language is using names for multiple things:

  • audio sample and synthesizer names like kick or sawsynth.
  • variable naming in the context of amphibian variables or internal variables.
  • addresses, a special type of composed name used for OSC addressing.
def names(p=0.5, i=0):
    D('bd pluck bd pluck:(2+4)', i=i)
    again(names, p=0.5, i=i+1)

A single letter (if it's not already a note name or a known symbol) can be considered as a name. Be careful! There are a few hidden rules for names:

  • Names can be one letter long but some letters are already taken.
  • Names cannot begin with a number.
  • Names can't contain any special symbol like _ or ^.

Sample association

In the context of audio samples, appending a number to a sample using the association operator (:) will complete that name and refer to the nth sample in the folder you are designating by the name. For a synthesizer, the behavior is a little different. It will pitch the synth in semitones.

dada:0 # first sound in the dada folder
dada:1 # second sound in the dada folder

Note: when indexing on sample names, the number can be infinitely high. It does not matter. The indexing will simply loop around and select a valid sample number!

Synthesizer name and numbers

The same operator (:) used on synthesizers can allow you to directly play a note in a pattern:

Pa * d('superpiano:[0 7 0 5]')
  • These are not MIDI note values but absolute values around C4.
    • Use the octave or oct parameter to change the base octave.
  • Silences are also supported (.)

This mechanism can be used as a fast way to write simple looping melodies.